Professional Academy

In-house Training and CPD

Short courses and bespoke training with a critical and creative edge

Develop your team's skills

Short courses can contribute to developing your own or your employees’ knowledge and skills, and support career and professional development. We have a range of existing short courses for continuing professional development (CPD), and we can also provide tailored packages where required to meet your organization's needs. Accreditation can be offered as an option.

Our courses can be delivered virtually, in person or in a hybrid format. There are also online packages that can be managed by your own organization or company. As well as providing training, we work with organizations on specific projects. Please contact us to discuss your requirements and we can provide a quotation for the training and level of support you require.

Ignite creativity and learning

Beyond traditional skill development, our vibrant in-house training and CPD programmes create space for dialogue, critical reflection and learning experiences that are participatory, creative and questioning. Our courses and workshops will enable your team to:

Critique systems: Assess power dynamics and find ways of overcoming systemic roadblocks.

Promote inclusive environments: Enhance cultural competency while pushing for equity through authentic conversations across differences.

Enable meaningful change: Bringing about collective action out of a shared sense of vision.

Your Programme

Training can be arranged to suit your requirements, taking an already existing course or a carefully tailored solution.

  • Existing 'off the shelf' courses are available (see below) and can be adapted to your preferred delivery format.
  • Custom programmes can be developed to meet your specific needs.
  • Partially-tailored solutions can be created using elements of existing programmes.

Choose the
Delivery Method

How the programme is delivered is up to you. You can choose from virtual delivery, in-person delivery or hybrid.

  • Virtual delivery is a good option for dispersed teams. We make sessions interactive as well as informative.
  • In person delivery at your organization's premises or another location can be arranged, whether in the UK or internationally.
  • Hybrid delivery can combine these two options where required.

Your Programme

In planning a schedule, we recommend making space for reflection and evaluation. We will work with you to plan a schedule that suits your organization's needs. Examples might include:

  • A one-week intensive programme, or a programme over several days.
  • Regular weekly or monthly sessions.
  • Two multi-day events months apart with fieldwork or practical tasks between the sessions.

Short courses and interactive workshops for in-house training and CPD

Sustainable Leadership

Developing leadership roles for long-term, ethical impact

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Building inclusion through equity and respect

Reflective Practice

Empowering continuous growth through critical self-reflection


Transformative relationships for personal and professional development

Circular Economy

Innovative and sustainable solutions for a regenerative future

Social Investment

Maximizing community impact through strategic investments

Social Responsibility and Ethics

Building responsible and sustainable business practices

Community Research

Engaging in participatory research for collective empowerment


Developing analytical skills to challenge and inspire change

of Change

Mapping pathways for impactful and sustainable transformations

Strategy and Planning

Developing strategic plans for effective action

Sustainability Finance

Leveraging financial tools for sustainable growth and development

“Only the complete is concrete”

Marcel Mauss

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