Course Catalogue

Online Courses

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Paulo Freire and Critical Pedagogy

Paulo Freire’s philosophy of education has had a profound impact on people throughout the world working for social change. His work has been applied not only to formal educational settings but to many diverse social movements.

Communities and Conflict

A course examining ideas of what we mean by community, the role of conflict, and our roles as activists, organizers or change agents, and the situation of the organizations or institutions in which we work or are involved.

Social and Solidarity Economy

This course examines the key concepts, organizational forms and impact of the social and solidarity economy, and explores alternative economic models that promote social justice, economic inclusivity, and sustainable development.

Culture, Ideology and Belief

A course on understanding how social movements and faith communities can act as agents of change; the collective myths and underlying conflicts in the environment or groups with which we work; and tools for the analysis of change.

Power, Politics and the State

A course which examines 'politics' in the broader sense: the organizations and institutions of power, the hidden structures of authority and the informal networks that contribute to the inner workings of society, and strategic positioning.

Global and Social Change

This course examines the forces driving global and social change, including cultural, political, economic, environmental and technological factors. It includes a focus on social movements and how to participate effectively in working for change.

Freire, the Artist and the Community

Understainding Freire's approach through the arts, theatre and culture

Reading Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Six weeks with live seminars and supporting online materials

Measuring Social Value

What is social value and how is it measured? How useful is it as a concept?

Intercultural Formation Programme

for community organizations, action groups and advocacy groups
This programme is for organizations only, not individuals, and subject to a successful application.

Phase I: Field Study

A year's intensive analysis in the field to prepare your volunteers and activists for ongoing development.

Situation Analysis

Understanding values, situation and involvements

Community Analysis

Understanding the local community environment

Economic Analysis

Understanding economic processes and interests

Cultural Analysis

Understanding ideology and culture

Political Analysis

Understanding power, politics and conscientization

International Analysis

Understanding international strategies and movements

Short Courses

Situation Analysis

Understanding values, situation and involvements

Community Analysis

Understanding the local community environment

Economic Analysis

Understanding economic processes and interests

Cultural Analysis

Understanding ideology and culture

Political Analysis

Understanding power and politics

International Analysis

Understanding international strategies and movements

Situation Analysis

Understanding values, situation and involvements

Community Analysis

Understanding the local community environment

Economic Analysis

Understanding economic processes and interests

Cultural Analysis

Understanding ideology and culture

Political Analysis

Understanding power and politics

International Analysis

Understanding international strategies and movements

AI and Academic Integrity

Understanding values, situation and involvements

Alternative Economics

Understanding economic processes and interests

Community Culture

Understanding the local community environment

Community Wealth-Building

Understanding ideology and culture

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Understanding education as development

INFACT Strategic Analysis for Action

Understanding power and politics

INSPIRE Cultural Action Workshop

Understanding ideology and culture

Alternative Economics Workshop

Understanding economic processes and interests

Participation in the Workplace

Understanding power and politics

Paulo Freire and Global Education

Understanding education as development

Paulo Freire Study Workshop

Understanding values, situation and involvements

Researching Your Community

Understanding the local community environment

Social Investment

Understanding economic processes and interests

Starting a Charity

Understanding ideology and culture

Starting in Community Organizing

Understanding the local community environment

Sustainability in the Workplace

Understanding education as development

Sustainable Leadership

Understanding power and politics

Thinking Critically

Understanding values, situation and involvements


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