About Us
Transformative Learning
An organization for transformative community-based learning
The Freire Institute is an organization for transformative community-based learning. In our programmes your own knowledge and life experience becomes the raw material for education. We develop tools and approaches based on the work of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, whose work has inspired many social movements and educational programmes around the world.
Education in this sense is a tool for individual and community empowerment and transformation. Our approach is informal, challenging and exciting. You do not need any formal qualifications to take part, just a commitment to learning and change. Programmes and activities are open to individuals, community groups, faith-based organizations and public institutions, and we can tailor programmes flexibly to suit your organization's needs. We also hold one-off community arts events and workshops around specific issues.
Our approach owes a lot to the techniques pioneered by Paulo Freire and supplemented by practice elsewhere. We also draw upon organizing principles derived from Saul Alinsky and others.
These techniques and principles have been successfully adopted by community organizations, faith-based groups and issue-based networks in many countries. The Freire Institute welcomes enquiries from anywhere around the world, and we seek to co-operate with other Paulo Freire-related institutes and organizations.
Our approach owes a lot to the techniques pioneered by Paulo Freire and supplemented by practice elsewhere. We also draw upon organizing principles derived from Saul Alinsky and others.
These techniques and principles have been successfully adopted by community organizations, faith-based groups and issue-based networks in many countries. The Freire Institute welcomes enquiries from anywhere around the world, and we seek to co-operate with other Paulo Freire-related institutes and organizations.
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Online Courses
Mini Courses
Paulo Freire: Life and Works
Community Organizing
Measuring Social Value
Introduction to Cultural Studies
Policy Analysis

Intercultural Formation Programme
Course Categories
Critical Pedagogy
Community Organizing
Social Economy
Cultural Studies
Policy and Politics
Global Studies
University Degrees
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Online Courses
Community Learning
In-house Training and CPD
Circular Economy
Community Engagement
Community Research
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Reflective Practice
Social Investment
Social Responsibility and Ethics
Strategy and Planning
Sustainability Finance
Sustainable Leadership
Theories of Change
Thinking Critically