Paulo Freire and Critical Pedagogy

Education for social change

Learn how Freire's pedagogy can shape social change beyond the classroom

Paulo Freire’s philosophy of education has had a profound impact on people throughout the world working for social change. Freire’s ideas extend beyond conventional classrooms to inform activism and community organizing. His work has been applied not only to formal educational settings but to many diverse social movements.

Participants will examine critical pedagogy’s evolution, key concepts, and its practical applications across various fields. The course gives a comprehensive overview of Freire’s roles as thinker, educator and activist, exploring how his ideas challenge traditional educational paradigms and inspire a dialogical approach to learning.

Learners are encouraged to participate in self-reflection on their personal roles in social transformation, and to connect Freirean theory with practical strategies for implementing social change. The course also addresses common misinterpretations of Freire's methods, ensuring a more nuanced understanding of his pedagogical approach and its relevance to contemporary issues.


  • An introduction to the course and your part in it. Do you see yourself as a change agent? Do you have an involvement in social change as an activist or organizer?
  • What do you think Paulo Freire's message is in Pedagogy of the Oppressed, and is it relevant to your experience?
  • Paulo Freire as thinker, teacher and activist
  • The key concepts in Freire's work and how they might be understood
  • Related thinkers in critical pedagogy and beyond
  • Applying Freirean principles and methodologies in a concrete way
  • The origins and development of critical pedagogy
  • Freire's approach in the classroom and the dangers of treating Freire's approach as simply a set of teaching methods
  • How Freire's pedagogy has influenced a variety of approaches, using contemporary examples
  Super early Bird Registration
This course is now open for Super Early Bird Registration. Register now and get a big discount off the normal price of this course.
  Course Starts
The course starts on May 5, 2025.
You will be registered for 12 months from the start of the course. The minimum time necessary to complete the course is 3 months.
  Course Delivery
Course materials such as videos, readings and tasks will be released over the period of your enrollment. Live online seminars are not part of the course content but may be made available as a bonus.
  Course Certificate
You will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course.

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Super Early Bird Registration: Register now and get a 50% discount.
Course starts May 5, 2025.

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Frequently asked questions

Can I view the course material without taking the assignments?

You do not have to take the assignments at the end of the course, but there are tasks and exercises during the course that are essential to the learning process. You will need to complete these in order to progress.

How long does the course take?

If you go through the sessions week by week and complete everything as quickly as possible, the course will take around three months. However, we give you a year's registration in order to make sure that you have plenty of time.

What do I need to do for the course certificate?

There are two assignments at the end of the course. The first is a learning journal, which will be based on tasks and exercises that you have completed throughout the course. The second is an essay. Additionally, as a prerequisite, you must have successfully completed the accompanying social analysis mini-course.

Do I get feedback during the course?

Yes, you are able to engage with tutors and you will receive help and feedback where needed. We would also encourage you to engage with other learners on the course.

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