Course Area

Critical Pedagogy

Education for Social Change

Courses in Critical Pedagogy

Paulo Freire and Critical Pedagogy

Paulo Freire’s philosophy of education has had a profound impact on people throughout the world working for social change. His work has been applied not only to formal educational settings but to many diverse social movements.

Reading Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed

A course specifically on Pedagogy of the Oppressed, seeking to understand it in its context, studying the individual chapters, and asking how it can be relevant to us today. The course includes live online sessions over a period of six weeks, along with supporting online materials.

Paulo Freire Study Workshop

Freire's approach was always to seek first to understand the community in which he was engaged and to focus on the issues of concern that its people faced. Workshops include presentations, videos and workshop discussion.

Decolonizing Education

Тhis workshop experienсe invites partiсipants tо exаmine critically thе histоricаl, culturаl, аnd systemic influences that shaрe eduсation whilе fоstering an inclusive, diverse, аnd еmpowеring lеarning environment.

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